Thought Leadership

For more than three decades, I have been writing and speaking about electronic discovery, automated litigation support, and related topics.

Past speaking engagements and published materials include:

Speaking engagements

2020Speaker, webinar: “When Data Privacy and eDiscovery Collide.” ZyLAB (Jul. 2020)
2020Speaker, webinar: “ACEDS Roundtable Series: Transitions, Transformations, and Triumphs in 2020.” ACEDS (Jul. 2020)
2020Moderator, webinar: “Exploring Electronic Information in Criminal Investigations: Constitutional and ‘Practical’ Concerns, Part 3.” EDRM (Jul. 2020)
2020Speaker, webinar” “Managing Discovery of Real-Time Communications.” The Master’s Conference (Jun. 2020)
2020Speaker, conference: “eDiscovery and Information Governance: Better Together.” ARMA Chicago General Meeting (Apr. 2020)
2020Moderator, webinar: “Exploring Electronic Information in Criminal Investigations, Part 2.” EDRM (Apr. 2020)
2020Moderator, webinar: “Exploring Electronic Information in Criminal Investigations: Constitutional and ‘Practical’ Concerns, Part 1.” EDRM (Mar. 2020)
2020Speaker, conference: “There’s No App For That – Handling Apps and Non-Standard Data (Part 1).” ACEDS Twin Cities Chapter, Minnesota (Feb. 2020)
2020Speaker, webinar: “Digital Forensics Disrupted – Are you ready for CYOD (collect your own device)?” ACEDS (Jan. 2020)
2019Speaker, webinar: “Monthly Insights with George Socha and Mike Quartararo.” ACEDS (Dec. 2019)
2019Speaker, webinar: “30 Years of eDiscovery – Industry Veterans Discuss Where We’ve Been and What the Future Holds.” Ipro (Dec. 2019)
2019Speaker, webinar: “EDRM: Hear From the Project Trustees.” EDRM (Dec. 2019)
2019Speaker, webinar: “EDRM UPDATE Webinar.” EDRM (Nov. 2019)
2019Speaker, webinar: “Monthly Insights with George Socha and Mike Quartararo.” ACEDS (Nov. 2019)
2019Speaker, conference: “Emerging Data Sources: Connecting the Dots on Disparate Data”; “Developments in Privilege: Practical Advice for Handling Privilege Determinations, Logs, and Negotiations.” The Master’s Conference, Washington, DC (Oct. 2019)
2019Speaker, conference: “A Call to Action: Building an e-Discovery Pro Bono Platform and Network”; “Is It Time to Rethink the EDRM?”; “Let’s Take This Online: Managing Mobile Data in Relativity Short Message Discovery.” Relativity Fest, Illinois (Oct. 2019)
2019Speaker, webinar: “Monthly Insights with George Socha and Mary Mack.” ACEDS (Oct. 2019)
2019Speaker, webinar: “Monthly Insights with George Socha and Mary Mack.” ACEDS (Sept. 2019)
2019Speaker, conference: “Evaluating 2015 Rule 26 Discovery-Proportionality Amendments and Bolch-Duke Guidelines and Best Practices.” Bolch Judicial Institute, Duke Law School, Virginia (Jun. 2019)
2019Speaker, conference: “NELTP Connect 2019.” New England Litigation Technology Professionals, Boston (May 2019)
2019Moderator, conference: “EDRM 2019 Workshop/Forum.” Duke/EDRM, North Carolina (May 2019)
2019Speaker, webinar: “Law Day Webinar – A Practical Guide to Information Governance.” Duke/EDRM (May 2019)
2019Co-chair, conference: “7th Annual UF Law E-Discovery Conference.” The University of Florida Levin College of Law and EDRM, Florida (Mar. 2019)
2019Speaker, conference: “What Was Hot in LegalTech and Education.” ACEDS Twin Cities Chapter, Minnesota (Feb. 2019)
2019Speaker, conference: “Why Not Fish in a Lake?” Legaltech, New York (Jan. 2019)
2018Speaker, webinar: “Ask the Experts: How Do I Collect That?” Exterro, EDRM, BrightTALK, Pinhawk (Dec. 2018)
2018Speaker, CLE: “The Power of Two.” BDO & ACEDS, Minnesota (Nov. 2018)
2018Speaker, conference: “Into the Crystal Ball We Gaze.” ACEDS Detroit 3rd Annual eDiscovery Symposium, Michigan (Oct. 2018)
2018Speaker, conference: “How I Built This RelativityOne App”; “Networking: How to Plug In – and We Aren’t Talking Hard Drives!” Relativity Fest, Illinois (Oct. 2018)
2018Speaker, webinar: “Inside BDO’s eDiscovery & Beyond Survey: Lessons for Inside Counsel and Law Firm.” EDRM (Jul. 2018)
2018Speaker, webinar: “Getting the Most Out of Your E-Discovery Experts Without Breaking the Bank.” ABA (Jun. 2018)
2018Speaker, webinar: “The State of E-Discovery 2018: Analysis & Review.” EDRM (May 2018)
2018Speaker, conference: “How to Work with E-Discovery Experts on the Big Case without Breaking the Bank.” ABA Litigation Section Annual Meeting, California (May 2018)
2018Speaker, 2018 Judge Justin L. Quackenbush Lecture, Gonzaga Law School, Spokane, Washington (Apr. 2018)
2018Co-chair, conference: “6th Annual UF Law E-Discovery Conference.” The University of Florida Levin College of Law and EDRM, Florida (Mar. 2018)
2018Speaker, conference: “Seventh Annual ASU-Arkfeld eDiscovery and Digital Conference.” Arizona State University, Arizona (Mar. 2018)
2018Speaker, webinar: “Challenges and Benefits of E-Discovery in the Cloud.” EDRM (Mar. 2018)
2018Speaker, webinar: “Sneak Peek 2018 Federal Judges Survey Results.” EDRM (Jan. 2018)
2017Speaker, conference: “Data Analytics – Going Beyond Review and Even Predictive Coding.” NELTP, Massachusetts (Dec. 2017)
2017Speaker, webinar: “Updating Your E-Discovery Toolkit.” Exterro & Georgetown Law (Dec. 2017)
2017Speaker, webinar: “The Case is Done But the Data’s Still Everywhere. What’s A Client To Do?” ACEDS Twin Cities Chapter (Dec. 2017)
2017Speaker, conference: “Big Data from Employees; Big Risk for Employers.” Relativity Fest, Illinois (Oct. 2017)
2017Speaker, webinar: “2017 In-House E-Discovery Trends Analysis.” Exterro (Oct. 2017)
2017Speaker, conference: “Technology-Assisted Review (TAR) Best Practices.” Duke Law, Washington, DC (Sept 2017)
2017Moderator, webinar: “Practical Tips for a Successful First TAR Project.” EDRM (Aug. 2017)
2017Speaker, webinar: “eDiscovery Beyond eMail: Are You Prepared?” Actiance (Aug. 2017)
2017Moderator, webinar: “Technology Assisted Review: What You Need to Know, Ask, and Expect.” EDRM (Aug. 2017)
2017Speaker, CLE: “The ‘New’ FRCP & Their Impact on E-Discovery.” Mintz Levin, Boston (Jun. 2017)
2017Speaker, conference: “Actiance Unleash 2017 Summit.” Actiance, New York (May 2017)
2017Speaker, conference: “IG for the Real World.” ARMA Atlanta, Georgia (May 2017)
2017Speaker, conference: “Actiance Unleash 2017 Summit.” Actiance, Detroit (Apr. 2017)
2017Moderator, webinar: “EDRM Security Audit & Evaluation of E-discovery Vendor or Partner.” EDRM (Apr. 2017)
2017Co-chair, conference: “5th Annual UF Law E-Discovery Conference.” The University of Florida Levin College of Law and EDRM, Florida (Mar. 2017)
2017Speaker, webinar: “EDRM at Duke Law: What’s Changed, and What’s Next?” EDRM (Mar. 2017)
2017Speaker, conference: “Stop the Lip Service: Real Advocacy Under the Federal Rules.” LegalTech, ALM, New York (Feb. 2017)
2016Speaker, webinar: “Revenue and Profits on the Rise? The Fall 2016 eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey.” ACEDS (Dec. 2016)
2016Speaker, webinar: “E-Discovery Training for 2017”, EDiscovery Day. Exterro (Dec. 2016)
2016Speaker, webinar: “10 Years Forward, 10 Years Back: Automation in eDiscovery”, EDiscovery Day. Exterro (Dec. 2016)
2016Moderator, conference: Streamlining and Controlling E-Discovery Costs. Women in eDiscovery, Minnesota (Nov. 2016)
2016Moderator, conference: “Tips for Forging a Better Working Relationship Between Counsel and IT to Improve Cyber-Response.” ACC New York Chapter, New York (Nov. 2016)
2016Speaker, conference: “10 Years Forward, 10 Years Back: Automation in eDiscovery”, The Masters Conference, Washington, DC. (Oct. 2016)
2016Speaker, conference: “The History and Future of the Law and e-Discovery”, Relativity Fest 2016, kCura, Illinois (Oct. 2016)
2016Speaker, webinar: “The Business of eDiscovery: Summer 2016 eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey Results.” ACEDS (Sept. 2016)
2016Moderator, webinar: “Considerations for Corporate Legal Teams Managing E-Discovery in a Changing Tech Environment.” EDRM (Sept. 2016)
2016Moderator, webinar: “9 Habits of Resilient e-Discovery Leaders.” EDRM (Aug. 2016)
2016Moderator, webinar: “’Shift Left’ – A New Age of eDiscovery – Analytics and ECA.” EDRM (Jun. 2016)
2016Moderator, webinar: “Cybersecurity Threats and Client Confidential Data.” EDRM (May 2016)
2016Moderator, webinar: “Moving Data Across Borders: No More Safe Harbors.” EDRM (May 2016)
2016Speaker, conference: ACEDS Conference, New York (Apr. 2016)
2016Co-chair, conference: “Curing Your Data Demons with Simple and Handy Analytical Tools.” The University of Florida Levin College of Law and EDRM, Florida (Mar. 2016)
2016Moderator, webinar: “Using Analytics & Visualization to Gain Better Insight Into Your Data.” EDRM (Mar. 2016)
2016Moderator, webinar: “Catching the Third Wave of E-Discovery.” EDRM (Mar. 2016)
2016Speaker, conference: “Fifth Annual ASU-Arkfeld eDiscovery and Digital Conference.” Arizona State University, Arizona (Mar. 2016)
2016Moderator, webinar: “Thomson Reuters Introduces eDiscovery Point.” EDRM (Feb. 2016)
2016Moderator, conference: “25 Ediscovery Gotchas in 75 Minutes,” LegalTech New York. ALM, New York (Feb. 2016)
2016Co-author, “Early Case Assessment: Evolving from Tactical to Practical,” Nuix and EDRM (Jan. 2016)
2016Speaker, webinar: “2015 Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.” eDiscovery Education Center (Jan. 2016)
2015Speaker, webinar: “The End of The Year Webinar – Leading eDiscovery Experts Reflect on 2015 and Look Forward to 2016.” ACEDS (Dec. 2015)
2015Speaker, conference: “Cost Effective E-discovery” and “Five Forces Changing E-discovery in 2016.” Seventh Annual End of Year CLE. Avansic, Oklahoma City and Tulsa (Dec. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “Practical Options for US Litigators and Investigators Dealing with EU Data.” EDRM (Dec. 2015)
2015Moderator, online video roundtable discussion: “Using Advanced Analytics Techniques to Meet the Proportionality Requirements of the new Federal Rules,” EDiscovery Day. EDRM and Exterro (Dec. 2015)
2015Speaker, webinar: “Taking Advantage of the new FRCP E-Discovery Amendments,” E-Discovery Day. EDRM and Exterro (Dec. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “eMSAT-1: Understand and Acting on the Results,” EDiscovery Day. EDRM and Exterro (Dec. 2015)
2015Speaker, conference: “MALSP Meeting.” Minnesota Association of Litigation Support Professionals, Minnesota (Nov. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “Away with Words: An Investigative Approach to eDiscovery.” EDRM (Nov. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “What’s Next in eDiscovery: Data Streaming.” EDRM (Nov. 2015)
2015Moderator and speaker, conference: “Developing a Strong Litigation Readiness Strategy” and “Working Cross Border in a Virtual World.” Technology in Practice 2015. Commonwealth Legal, Toronto, Canada (Nov. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “What’s Next in eDiscovery: Automation.” EDRM (Nov. 2015)
2015Moderator and speaker, conference: “Enhanced Ethical Duties Under the New Rules: How to Meet your Ethical Obligations in a Rapidly Changing Environment” and “Budget and Cost Calculator Tools for eDiscovery.” 5th Annual E-Discovery Leadership Conference. Legal Learning Series, Florida (Oct. 2015)
2015Speaker, webinar: “Early Case Assessment is Elementary, Dear Watson.” Nuix (Oct. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “Proportionality and the New Rules.” EDRM (Oct. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “A Practical Approach to Your in-house eDiscovery Collections.” EDRM (Oct. 2015)
2015Moderator and speaker, conference: “The EDRM eMSAT – eDiscovery Maturity Self Assessment Test,” “The Journey of 1000 Terabytes Begins with a Single Email: A Step-by-Step Guide to Applied Information Governance”; “Found Money: Raising EDiscovery Related Realization Rates,” “Challenging Predictive Coding’s Assumptions, Claims, and Promises” and “TED-Like Rants: Industry Experts Tell Us What’s On Their Mind. And We All React.” ACEDS 6th Annual E-Discovery Conference & Exhibition, Maryland (Sep. 2015)
2015Speaker, conference: “Email Archives and eDiscovery” and “Tactical to Practical: Applying Best Practices to ECA Workflows,” Nuix User Exchange, California (Sep. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “Outsourcing Everyday eDiscovery: Managed Services Providers Versus Outside Counsel.” EDRM (Sep. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “Practical Pointers for Bringing Everyday eDiscovery Into Your Organization.” EDRM (Sep. 2015)
2015Moderator, conference: “ILTACON 2015.” ILTA, Nevada (Sep. 2015)
2015Moderator, conference: “2015 SoCal eDiscovery & IG Retreat.” Ing3nious, California (Aug. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “Everyday eDiscovery: Bringing It In-House or Outsourcing It.” EDRM (Jul. 2015)
2015Speaker, conference: “LegalTech West Coast.” ALM, California (Jun. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “Using Ringtail to Manage Rolling Matters.” EDRM (Jun. 2015)
2015Speaker, webinar: “Selecting the right e-Discovery Solution for your Company.” ACEDS (Jun. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “eMSAT-1: Completing the Assessment.” EDRM (Jun. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “Using Ringtail’s Visual Analytics on Small to Midsized Matters.” EDRM (Jun. 2015)
2015Speaker, conference: “Ipro Innovations 2015.” Ipro, Arizona (Apr. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “Using Ringtail to Modernize Keyword Search.” EDRM (Apr. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “The Social Medial Quick Peek: Early Data Assessment.” ACEDS and EDRM (Apr. 2015)
2015Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery in Social Media, Mobile Devices and the Cloud.” The University of Florida Levin College of Law and EDRM, Florida (Mar. 2015)
2015Speaker, conference: “Fourth Annual ASU-Arkfeld eDiscovery and Digital Conference.” Arizona State University, Arizona (Mar. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “Getting Cloud Data from the New Big Three: Google, iCloud & MS Office 365.” EDRM (Mar. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “Cross Border Issues in eDiscovery.” EDRM (Feb. 2015)
2015Moderator, webinar: “Assembling the Team to Complete the eMSAT.” EDRM (Feb. 2015)
2015Moderator: Roundtable discussion, Translation for E-Discovery. Park IP, New York (Feb. 2015)
2015Speaker, webinar: “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – eDiscovery Cases for 2014.” eDiscovery Education Center (Jan. 2015)
2014Moderator, webinar: “Audio, Chat & Mobile.” EDRM (Dec. 2014)
2014Moderator, webinar: “Summation 5.6 – Setting the Bar for Legal Review.” EDRM (Nov. 2014)
2014Moderator, webinar: “EDRM’s eMSAT-1: Building the Business Case for the eMSAT-1.” EDRM (Nov. 2014)
2014Speaker, conference: “Computer Law Section Predictive Coding CLE. “ Minnesota State Bar Association (Nov. 2014)
2014Speaker, conference: “Technology in Practice 2014.” Commonwealth Legal, Toronto, Canada (Nov. 2014)
2014Speaker, webinar: “Dark Data.” EDRM (Nov. 2014)
2014Moderator, webinar: “Don’t Let Smartphones Outsmart Your Mobile Device Discovery Needs.” EDRM (Nov. 2014)
2014Moderator, webinar: “End-to-End eDiscovery with Nuix.” EDRM (Nov. 2014)
2014Moderator, webinar: “eMSAT-1: Understanding the eDiscovery Maturity Self-Assessment Test.” EDRM (Nov. 2014)
2014Speaker, conference: “CKS Minneapolis Forum.” Corporate Knowledge Strategies, Minnesota (Sep. 2014)
2014Moderator, webinar: “Easing the pain of document review with Concordance Evolution.” EDRM (Jul. 2014)
2014Speaker, webinar: “From Terabytes to Trial Exhibits: Controlling Litigation Costs in the Digital Age.” American Bar Association (Jun. 2014)
2014Moderator, webinar: “Cyber Security 101 for Legal Professionals.” EDRM (May 2014)
2014Speaker, conference: “Discovery Symposium 6.0.” Counsel on Call, Tennessee (May 2014)
2014Speaker, conference: “From Terabytes to Trial Exhibits: Controlling Litigation Costs in the Digital Age.” American Bar Association, Arizona (Apr. 2014)
2014Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery for the Small and Medium Case.” The University of Florida Levin College of Law and EDRM, Florida (Mar. 2014)
2013Moderator, webinar: “Inside the Newest E-Discovery Software Integrations: LexisNexis Early Data Analyzer and LAW PreDiscovery.” EDRM (Dec. 2013)
2013Moderator, webinar: “Information Governance by Design.” EDRM (Dec. 2013)
2013Moderator, webinar: “Summation 5.0 Showcase – see the modern Summation in action!” EDRM (Nov. 2013)
2013Moderator, webinar: “E-Discovery Processing Made Simple.” EDRM and the University of Florida Levin College of Law (Nov. 2013)
2013Speaker, conference: “CALSM-posium 2013.” Chicago Association of Litigation Support Managers, Illinois (Oct. 2013)
2013Moderator, webinar: “Introducing Concordance Evolution 2.2.1 – Integration with LAW PreDiscovery and LexisNexis Near Dupe!” EDRM Apersee (Oct. 2013)
2013Speaker, webinar: “EDRM’s New Computer Assisted Review Reference Model (CARRM)—Beyond the Test Drive.” Exterro (Sep. 2013)
2013Moderator, webinar: “New Ways of Seeing: Visual Analytics Comes of Age in EDiscovery.” EDRM Apersee (Sep. 2013)
2013Moderator, webinar: “Why Aren’t You Using Technology Assisted Review Yet?” EDRM Apersee (Aug. 2013)
2013Moderator, webinar: “Mobile Discovery and IOS.” Apersee (May 2013)
2013Moderator, webinar: “Don’t get left behind—eDiscovery is for everyone.” Apersee (May 2013)
2013Speaker, conference: “E-Discovery BootCamp.” Ontario Bar Association, Toronto, Canada (May 2013)
2013Speaker, conference: “Minnesota Paralegal Convention Annual Seminar.” MPA, Minnesota (May 2013)
2013Speaker, conference; “Catalyst Client Advisory and Catalytics Meeting.” Catalyst Repository Systems, Colorado (May 2013)
2013Moderator, webinar: “Purchasing Decisions for eDiscovery.” Apersee (May 2013)
2013Moderator, conference: “Carmel Valley eDiscovery Retreat.” California (Apr. 2013)
2013Speaker, conference: “MALSP Meeting.” Minnesota Association of Litigation Support Professionals, Minnesota (Apr. 2013)
2013Speaker, podcast: The ESI Report.” Kroll Ontrack (Apr. 2013)
2013Co-chair, conference: “’The Exchange’ London.” Today’s General Counsel Institute, London, United Kingdom (Apr. 2013)
2013Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery for the Small and Medium Case.” The University of Florida Levin College of Law and EDRM, Florida (Apr. 2013)
2013Speaker, webinar: “Bringing eDiscovery in House.” Apersee (Mar. 2013)
2013Speaker, webinar: “Unlocking Predictive Coding to Find Facts Fast.” Apersee (Mar. 2013)
2013Speaker, webinar: “What Every Legal Department Needs to Know About Litigation Hold.” Apersee (Feb. 2013)
2013Speaker, webinar: “The Secret World of eDiscovery Expert Testimony, The 30(b)(6) Witness and Other Key Considerations.” Apersee (Feb. 2013)
2013Speaker and moderator, conference: “Legal Tech New York.” ALM, New York (Jan. 2013)
2013Moderator, webinar: “From DM to E-Discovery: Converging Disciplines.” Apersee (Jan. 2013)
2012Speaker, webinar: “IGRM v3.0 Update: Privacy and Security Officers as Stakeholders.” CGOC (Nov. 2012)
2012Speaker, webinar: “Ask the Experts: The Importance of Meet and Confer.” LexisNexis (Oct. 2012)
2012Speaker, webinar: “Proactive Methods for Mobile Device Discovery.” Apersee (Oct. 2012)
2012Speaker, conference: “inFusion12 User Conference.” Exterro, Oregon (Sept. 2012)
2012Speaker, conference: “ILTA 2012.” International Legal Technology Association, Maryland (Aug. 2012)
2012Speaker, webinar: “The E-Discovery Triange.” LexisNexis (Aug. 2012)
2012Speaker, conference: “Carmel Valley eDiscovery Retreat.” California (Jul. 2012)
2012Co-chair, conference: “E-Discovery for the Corporate Market.” Executive Counsel Institute, Illinois (Jun. 2012)
2012Speaker, webinar: “Early and Often.” Apersee (May 2012)
2012Speaker, conference: “CEIC 2012.” Guidance Software, Nevada (May 2012)
2012Speaker, webinar: “The Real World of eDiscovery & EDRM.” The Organization of Legal Professionals (May 2012)
2012Speaker, webinar: “Ask the Experts: Finding an acceptable balance between ediscovery costs and risk,” LexisNexis (May 2012)
2012Speaker, conference: “Computer Assisted Review Technology – Will This Change the eDiscovery Game?,” kCura Corporation and Techlaw Solutions (Mar. 2012)
2012Speaker, webinar: “Metrics” (Feb. 2012)
2012Speaker, webinar: “E-Discovery 101,” LexisNexis (Feb. 2012)
2012Speaker, conference: Lunch and Learn. Symantec, Minnesota (Feb. 2012)
2012Speaker, conference: “Legal Tech New York.” ALM, New York (Jan. – Feb. 2012)
2011Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Thomson Reuters, California (Dec. 2011)
2011Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Thomson Reuters, New York (Nov. 2011)
2011Speaker, conference: “ABA International Fall Meeting,” American Bar Association, Dublin, Ireland (Oct. 2011)
2011Speaker, conference: “2011 Clearwell Partner Summit.” Symantec, California (Sept. 2011)
2011Speaker, conference: “Carmel Valley eDiscovery Retreat.” California (Jul. 2011)
2011Co-chair, conference: “E-Discovery for the Corporate Market” Executive Counsel Institute, New York (Jul. 2011)
2011Speaker, webinar: “Is IT Competency Necessary to Conduct Discovery in the 21st Century? Can You Put Gas in Your Car?” The Ingersol Firm (Jun. 2011)
2011Speaker, conference: “CEIC 2011.” Guidance Software, Florida (May 2011)
2011Speaker, conference: “4th eDiscovery Forum.” Ark Group Australia, Melbourne, Australia (Apr. 2011)
2011Speaker, conference: Minnesota HTCIA Chapter Meeting. High Tech Crime Institute, Minnesota (Mar. 2011)
2011Speaker, conference: “Legal Tech New York.” ALM, New York (Jan. – Feb. 2011)
2010Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Thomson Reuters, California (Nov. – Dec. 2010)
2010Speaker, conference: AIIM Chapter Meeting. California (Nov. 2010)
2010Co-chair, conference: “E-Disclosure Forum.” Thomson Reuters, London, United Kingdom (Nov. 2010)
2010Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Thomson Reuters, Illinois (Nov. 2010)
2010Speaker, conference: Peace Palace Program. ZyLAB, The Netherlands (Nov. 2010)
2010Speaker, webinar: “Debate on Native Format Production and Redaction.” eDiscoveryJournal (Oct. 2010)
2010Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Thomson Reuters, New York (Oct. 2010)
2010Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention” Thomson Reuters, California (Sept. 2010)
2010Speaker, webinar: “VirtualLegalTech.” ALM (Sept. 2010)
2010Co-chair, conference: “E-Discovery for the Corporate Market.” Executive Counsel Institute, Illinois (Aug. 2010)
2010Co-chair, conference: “E-Discovery for the Corporate Market.” Executive Counsel Institute, New York (Jul. 2010)
2010Speaker, Epiq UK Launch. Epiq, London, United Kingdom (Jul. 2010)
2010Speaker, webinar: EDRM Model Code of Conduct. Scarab Consulting (Jul. 2010)
2010Speaker, webinar: “Proven Strategies to Increase Value and Contain Costs Beginning Early in the Litigation Lifecycle.” Autonomy (Jun. 2010)
2010Speaker, conference: “Green Cities, Business and Beyond.” Green Legal Matters, Louisiana (May 2010)
2010Speaker, conference: “CEIC 2010.” Guidance Software, Nevada (May 2010)
2010Speaker, conference: “The Autonomy Executive Forum.” Autonomy, New York (May 2010)
2010Speaker, conference: MLAA Litigation Support SIG. Minnesota Legal Administrators Association, Minnesota (May 2010)
2010Speaker, webinar: “E-Discovery and Digital Evidence.” TexasBarCLE (Apr. 2010)
2010Speaker, webinar: “Information Management Reference Model (IMRM)” EMC (Apr. 2010)
2010Speaker, webinar: “VirtualLegalTech.” ALM (Mar. 2010)
2010Speaker, conference: Chapter Meeting. Minnesota Chapter of the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS), Minnesota (Feb. 2010)
2010Speaker, webinar: “George Socha Debunks the Top Five eDiscovery Myths.” EMC (Jan. 2010)
2009Co-chair, conference: “Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Thomson Reuters, California (Dec. 2009)
2009Co-chair, conference: “E-Discovery: Compliance and Control in the Electronic Age of Litigation.” Thomson Reuters, Texas (Dec. 2009)
2009Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Thomson Reuters, Chicago (Nov. 2009)
2009Co-chair, conference: “Fifth Annual eDisclosure Forum.” Thomson Reuters, London, United Kingdom (Nov. 2009)
2009Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Thomson Reuters, New York (Oct. 2009)
2009Speaker, webinar: “Strange Times: The 2009 Socha Gelbmann E-Discovery Survey.” Law Technology News (Aug. 2009)
2009Speaker, webinar: “A Look Inside the 2009 Socha-Gelbmann Electronic Discovery Survey.” Fios, Inc. (Aug. 2009)
2009Speaker, conference: “eDiscovery.” The Ark Group Australia, Syndey, Australia (Jun. 2009)
2009Speaker, conference: “21st Annual General Counsel Conference.” IncisiveMedia, New York (Jun. 2009)
2009Speaker, webinar: “High-Performance eDiscovery and Information Governance: Using Technology to Streamline the Process.” Autonomy (May 2009)
2009Speaker, conference: “CEIC 2009.” Guidance Software, Florida (May 2009)
2009Speaker, conference: “The International Litigation Support Leaders Conference.” Litigation Support Today, Washington DC (May 2009)
2009Speaker, conference: “ABA TECHSHOW 2009.” American Bar Association, Illinois (Apr. 2009)
2009Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Thomson Reuters, California (Feb. 2009)
2009Speaker, webinar: “EDRM Model Code of Conduct: Addressing Ethical Challenges of E- Discovery.” Thomson (Feb. 2009)
2009Speaker, conference: “Committee on Corporate Counsel CLE Seminar.” American Bar Association, Florida (Feb. 2009)
2009Speaker, webinar: “Socha-Gelbmann Update: Legal Tech New York, EDRM & e-Discovery Trends.” Fios, Inc. (Feb. 2009)
2009Speaker, conference: “Legal Tech New York.” ALM, New York (Feb. 2009)
2008Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Thomson Reuters, California (Dec. 2008)
2008Co-chair, conference: “Fourth Annual eDisclosure Forum.” Thomson Reuters, London, United Kingdom (Nov. 2008)
2008Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Thomson Reuters, Chicago (Nov. 2008)
2008Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Thomson Reuters, New York (Oct. 2008)
2008Speaker, conference: “ZyIMAGEnation.” ZyLAB, Virginia (Sept. 2008)
2008Speaker, conference: “ILTA 2008.” International Legal Technology Association, Texas (Aug. 2008)
2008Speaker, conference: “ALM General Counsel Forum.” ALM, New York (Jun. 2008)
2008Speaker, conference: “2nd International Litigation Support Leaders Conference.” Litigation Support Today, Washington DC (May 2008)
2008Speaker, conference: “CEIC 2008.” Guidance Software (May 2008)
2008Speaker, conference: “ABA TECHSHOW 2008.” American Bar Association, Illinois (Apr. 2008)
2008Speaker, conference: MALSM Chapter Meeting. Minnesota (Apr. 2008)
2008Speaker, conference: “Litigation Support Leaders SuperConference.” Estrin Legal, Texas (Mar. 2008)
2008peaker, webinar: Electronic Discovery. ZiffDavis (Feb. 2008)
2008Speaker, conference: “ABA Section of Litigation Committee on Corporate Counsel CLE Seminar.” American Bar Association, Arizona (Feb. 2008)
2008Speaker, conference: “Legal Tech New York.” ALM, New York (Feb. 2008)
2008Speaker, conference: Women in EDiscovery Chapter Meeting. Minnesota (Jan. 2008)
2007Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” West LEGALworks, California (Dec. 2007)
2007Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” West LEGALworks, New York (Nov. 2007)
2007Speaker, conference: “Advanced E-Discovery Institute.” Georgetown CLE, Washington DC (Nov. 2007)
2007Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” West LEGALworks, Illinois (Oct. 2007)
2007Co-chair, conference: “Third Annual eDisclosure Forum.” Thomson Reuters, London, United Kingdom (Oct. 2007)
2007Speaker, conference: “The National Litigation Technology Conference.” Commonwealth Legal, Montreal, Canada (Sept. 2007)
2007Speaker, conference: “Evidence in the Courtroom.” Minnesota CLE, Minnesota (Apr. 2007)
2007Speaker, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Digital Evidence Institute.” TexasBarCLE, Texas (Apr. 2007)
2007Speaker, conference: “Practice Under the New E-Discovery Amendments.” BNA, Washington DC (Apr. 2007)
2007Speaker, conference: “Legal Tech New York.” ALM, New York (Jan. 2007)
2006Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” West LEGALworks, California (Dec. 2006)
2006Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” West LEGALworks, Illinois (Nov. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “Advanced E-Discovery Institute.” Georgetown CLE, Washington DC (Nov. 2006)
2006Speaker, webinar: “Automated Discovery Influences.” Deepdive Technologies (Nov. 2006)
2006Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” West LEGALworks, New York (Oct. 2006)
2006Co-chair, conference: “Second Annual eDisclosure Forum.” Thomson Reuters, London, United Kingdom (Oct. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “E-Discovery: How to Practice Under the New Amendments.” BNA, Washington DC (Oct. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: E-Discovery Conference, U.S. Department of Justice, Minnesota (Sept. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “5th Annual Legal Technology Leadership Forum.” The Hildebrandt Institute, New York (Sept. 2006)
2006Speaker, webinar: “Basics of Electronic Discovery.” Minnesota CLE (Jun. 2006)
2006Speaker, webinar: “The Electronic Discovery Reference Model: A Practical Framework for Dealing with the Demands of Digital Discovery.” Fios, Inc. (May 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “CEIC 2006.” Guidance Software (May 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Digital Evidence Institute.” TexasBarCLE, Texas (Apr. 2006)
2006Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” West LEGALworks, Illinois (Nov. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “Advanced E-Discovery Institute.” Georgetown CLE, Washington DC (Nov. 2006)
2006Speaker, webinar: “Automated Discovery Influences.” Deepdive Technologies (Nov. 2006)
2006Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” West LEGALworks, New York (Oct. 2006)
2006Co-chair, conference: “Second Annual eDisclosure Forum.” Thomson Reuters, London, United Kingdom (Oct. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “E-Discovery: How to Practice Under the New Amendments.” BNA, Washington DC (Oct. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: E-Discovery Conference, U.S. Department of Justice, Minnesota (Sept. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “5th Annual Legal Technology Leadership Forum.” The Hildebrandt Institute, New York (Sept. 2006)
2006Speaker, webinar: “Basics of Electronic Discovery.” Minnesota CLE (Jun. 2006)
2006Speaker, webinar: “The Electronic Discovery Reference Model: A Practical Framework for Dealing with the Demands of Digital Discovery.” Fios, Inc. (May 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “CEIC 2006.” Guidance Software (May 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Digital Evidence Institute.” TexasBarCLE, Texas (Apr. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “Evidence in the Courtroom.” Minnesota CLE, Minnesota (Apr. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “E-Discovery Preparedness for Pharma.” ACI, New York (Mar. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: Electronic Discovery. Dakota County, Minnesota (Mar. 2006)
2006Co-chair, conference: “E-Discovery and Trial Practice Forum.” LegalWorks, California (Feb. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “What You Need to Know About Electronic Discovery.” Minnesota CLE, Minnesota (Feb. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “2006 Committee on Corporate Counsel Litigation CLE Seminar.” American Bar Association, California (Feb. 2006)
2006Speaker, conference: “Legal Tech New York.” ALM, New York (Jan. – Feb. 2006)
2005Speaker, webinar: “Analysis Powered E-Discovery.” MetaLINCS (Dec. 2005)
2005Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” West LEGALworks, California (Dec. 2005)
2005Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” West LEGALworks, New York (Nov. 2005)
2005Co-chair, conference: “First Annual eDisclosure Forum.” Thomson Reuters, London, United Kingdom (Nov. 2005)
2005Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” West LEGALworks, Illinois (Oct. 2005)
2005Speaker, conference: “Electronic Records Management and Digital Discovery.” ALI-ABA, Illinois (May 2005)
2005Speaker, conference: “2005 IPRO Partner Conference.” IPRO Tech, Arizona (May 2005)
2005Speaker, conference: “The Pharmaceutical Industry’s Guide to Document Management and E-Discovery.” ACI, New York (Apr. 2005)
2005Co-chair, conference: “Daily Journal Legal Works.” Glasser Legalworks, California (Mar. 2005)
2005Speaker, conference: “What You Need to Know About Electronic Discovery.” Minnesota CLE, Minnesota (Feb. 2005)
2005Speaker, conference: “2005 Committee on Corporate Counsel Litigation CLE Seminar.” American Bar Association, Florida (Feb. 2005)
2004Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Glasser LegalWorks, California (Dec. 2004)
2004Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Glasser LegalWorks (Nov. 2004)
2004Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Glasser LegalWorks (Oct. 2004)
2004Speaker, conference: “New Realities in E-Discovery: Lessons Learned and Practical Applications.” Georgetown CLE, Washington DC (Oct. 2004)
2004Speaker, conference: “Best Practices in Electronic Discovery.” Attenex, New York (Oct. 2004)
2004Speaker, conference: “The Corporate Counsel’s Advanced Forum on Document Retention & E-Discovery.” ACI, New York (Sept. 2004)
2004Speaker, webinar: “Thinking Beyond the Box: The Rapidly Changing World of E-Discovery.” Fios, Inc. (Aug. 2004)
2004Co-chair, conference: “Daily Journal Legal Works.” Glasser Legalworks, California (Apr. 2004)
2004Speaker, conference: “Conference on Electronic Discovery Presented by the Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.” Federal Judicial Center, Washington DC (Feb. 2004)
2004Speaker, conference: “Legal Tech New York.” ALM, New York (Feb. 2004)
2004Speaker, webinar: Electronic Discovery. Discovery Resources (Jan. 2004)
2003Speaker, conference: “Ethics and Technology: Metadata, E-Discovery and More!” Minnesota CLE, Minnesota (Dec. 2003)
2003Speaker, conference: “Corporate Computer Forensics 101.” International Information Systems Forensics Association, Minnesota (Dec. 2003)
2003Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Glasser LegalWorks, California (Dec. 2003)
2003Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Glasser LegalWorks, Illinois (Nov. 2003)
2003Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Retention.” Glasser LegalWorks, New York (Oct. 2003)
2003Speaker, webinar: “Market & Technology Overview.” ZANTAZ (Sept. 2003)
2003Speaker, conference: MALSM Meeting. Minnesota (May 2003)
2003Co-chair, conference: “Seventh Annual Daily Journal Legal Works 2003.” Glasser Legalworks, California (Apr. 2003)
2003Speaker, conference: “ABA TechShow 2003.” American Bar Association, Illinois (Apr. 2003)
2003Speaker, conference: “ABA Corporate Counsel CLE Seminar.” American Bar Association, Florida (Feb. 2003)
2003Speaker, conference: “Litigator’s Annual Short Course 2003.” Minnesota CLE, Minnesota (Jan. 2003)
2002Co-chair, conference: “6th Annual Electronic Discovery and Records Retention Conference.” Glasser LegalWorks, California (Dec. 2002)
2002Co-chair, conference: “6th Annual Electronic Discovery and Records Retention Conference.” Glasser LegalWorks, Illinois (Nov. 2002)
2002Co-chair, conference: “6th Annual Electronic Discovery and Records Retention Conference.” Glasser LegalWorks, New York (Oct. 2002)
2002Speaker, conference: “First Annual Fios Users’ Group Conference.” Fios, Oregon (Jul. 2002)
2002Speaker, conference: “Conference for Corporate Counsel 2002 – The Legal Department’s Role in Enhancing the Corporate Bottom Line.” New York (Jun. 2002)
2002Speaker, conference: “2002 BNA Litigation Forum: Electronic Discovery & Document Retention.” BNA, Illinois (May 2002)
2002Co-chair, conference: “Daily Journal Legal Works 2002.” Glasser Legalworks, California (Apr. 2002)
2002Speaker, conference: “ABA Corporate Counsel Committee Annual Meeting.” American Bar Association, Florida (Feb. 2002)
2002Co-chair, conference: “Electronic Discovery and Records Management.” Glasser LegalWorks (2002)
2001Co-chair, conference: “Daily Journal Legal Works 2001.” Glasser Legalworks, California (Oct. 2001)
2001Speaker, conference: “The Sixth Annual Minnesota Law & Technology Show 2001.” National Practice Institute, Minnesota (Sept. 2001)
2001Co-chair, conference: Minnesota State Bar Association Bar Leadership Conference. Minnesota (Sept. 2001)
2001Speaker, conference: “Annual Conference and Exhibitor Expo.” Minnesota Paralegal Association, Minnesota (Jun. 2001)
2001Co-chair, conference: “Fifth Annual Daily Journal LegalWorks 2001.” Glasser Legalworks, California (Apr. 2001)
2001Speaker, conference: “ABA TechShow 2001.” American Bar Association, Illinois (Mar. 2001)
2001Speaker, conference: “Tech Week.” Minnesota CLE (Mar. 2001)
2001Speaker, conference: “ABA Section of Litigation 19th Annual Committee on Corporate Counsel Midyear Meeting.” American Bar Association, Florida (Feb. 2001)
2001Co-chair, conference: “Fourth Annual Electronic Discovery Conference.” Glasser LegalWorks, California (Dec. 2001)
2000Speaker, conference: Minnesota Annual Conference of Judges. Minnesota (Dec. 2000)
2000Co-chair, conference: “Fourth Annual Electronic Discovery Conference.” Glasser LegalWorks, Illinois (Dec. 2000)
2000Co-chair, conference: “Fourth Annual Electronic Discovery Conference.” Glasser LegalWorks, New York (Nov. 2000)
2000Planning committee, conference: “Daily Journal Legal Works 2000 LA.” Glasser LegalWorks, California (Oct. 2000)
2000Speaker, conference: “Minnesota Law & Technology Show 2000.” Minnesota (Sept. 2000)
2000Co-chair, conference: “Third Annual Electronic Discovery Conference.” Glasser LegalWorks, Illinois (Apr. 2000)
2000Co-chair, conference: “Third Annual Electronic Discovery Conference.” Glasser LegalWorks, California (Mar. 2000)
2000Co-chair, conference: “Third Annual Electronic Discovery Conference.” Glasser LegalWorks, New York (Mar. 2000)
2000Speaker, conference: “ABA TechShow 2000.” American Bar Association, Illinois (Mar. 2000)
2000Planning committee, conference: “Daily Journal Legal Works 2000.” Glasser LegalWorks, California (Mar. 2000)
2000Speaker, conference: “Mid-Winter Meeting of the Committee on Corporate Counsel of the ABA Section of Litigation.” American Bar Association, California (Feb. 2000)
1999Speaker, conference: “Demonstrative Evidence.” Minnesota CLE, Minnesota (Dec. 1999)
1999Planning committee, conference: “Daily Journal Legal Works Los Angeles ‘99.” Glasser LegalWorks, California (Nov. 1999)
1999Speaker, conference: “LegalTech Chicago.” American Bar Association, Illinois (Nov. 1999)
1999Planning committee, conference: “Glasser LegalWorks 4th Annual Legal Computing Summit.” Glasser LegalWorks, New York (Oct. 1999)
1999Speaker, conference: “Cyber Discovery.” Minnesota CLE, Minnesota (Sept. 1999)
1999Speaker, conference: “Y2K Disputes: The Mediation Option.” Minnesota (Sept. 1999)
1999Speaker, conference: “Northwest Computer Show and Conference.” Minnesota (Sept. 1999)
1999Speaker, conference: “Minnesota’s 4th Annual Law & Technology Show ’99.” Minnesota (Sept. 1999)
1999Speaker, conference: “PriceWaterhouseCoopers General Counsel Forum.” Minnesota (Jun. 1999)
1999Speaker, conference: “Litigation Technology Summit.” American Bar Association and Glasser LegalWorks, New York (Jun. 1999)
1999Speaker, conference: “Tick, Tick, Tick … Boom! The Y2K Problem.” Hennepin County Bar Association and National Practice Institute, Minnesota (Apr. 1999)
1999Speaker, conference: “ABA TechShow ’99.” American Bar Association, Illinois (Mar. 1999)
1999Co-chair, conference: “Computer Discovery and Electronic Data Retention Risk Control Conference.” Glasser LegalWorks, New York (Mar. 1999)
1999Co-chair, conference: “Computer Discovery and Electronic Data Retention Risk Control Conference.” Glasser LegalWorks, California (Mar. 1999)
1999Planning committee, conference: “Daily Journal Third Annual Legal Works ’99.” Glasser LegalWorks, California (Feb. 1999)
1999Speaker, conference: “17th Annual ABA Committee on Corporate Counsel Midyear Meeting.” American Bar Association, Florida (Feb. 1999)
1999Speaker, conference: “Year 2000 – The Eleventh Hour.” Minnesota CLE, Minnesota (Jan. 1999)
1998Speaker, conference: “Cyber Discovery.” Minnesota CLE, Minnesota (Sept. 1998)
1998Planning committee, conference: “Legal Works New York ’98.” Glasser LegalWorks, New York (Sept. 1998)
1998Speaker, conference: “Minnesota Law & Technology Show ’98.” Minnesota (Sept. 1998)
1998Co-chair, conference: “The Essentials of Computer Discovery and Electronic Data Retention Risk Control.” Illinois (Jun. 1998)
1998Speaker, conference: “Internet – Risk & Research Seminar.” Minnesota Law & Politics, Minnesota (May 1998)
1998Speaker, conference: “ABA TechShow 98.” American Bar Association, Illinois (Mar. 1998)
1998Speaker, conference: “16th Annual Committee on Corporate Counsel Mid-Winter Meeting.” American Bar Association, Arizona (Feb. 1998)
1997Speaker, conference: “Midwest Tech ’97.” Minnesota CLE, Minnesota (Sept. 1997)
1997Speaker, conference: “Cyberlaw Day.” NETLink, Minnesota (May 1997)
1997Speaker, conference: “1997 ABA Section of Litigation Annual Meeting.” American Bar Association, Washington DC (Apr. 1997)
1997Speaker, conference: “ABA TechShow 97.” American Bar Association, Illinois (Apr. 1997)
1997Speaker, conference: “Legal Works ’97 Technology Answer Show.” Glasser LegalWorks, California (Mar. 1997)
1997Speaker, conference: “15th Annual ABA Section of Litigation Annual Committee on Corporate Counsel Mid-Winter Meeting.” American Bar Association, Florida (Feb. 1997)
1996Speaker, conference: “Partnering Between Inside & Outside Counsel: Best Practices.” New York (Dec. 1996)
1996Speaker, conference: “Minnesota Law & Technology Show ’96.” Minnesota (Oct. 1996)
1996Speaker, conference: “Legal Tech ’96.” Georgia (Sept. 1996)
1996Speaker, conference: “The 1996 Midwest Legal Technology Conference.” Minnesota (Sept. 1996)
1996Speaker, conference: “ABA TechShow 96.” American Bar Association, Illinois (Mar. 1996)
1996Speaker, conference: “ABA Litigation Section Annual Meeting.” American Bar Association, Florida (Jan. 1996)
1995Speaker, conference: “The Lawyer on the Internet.” Washington State Bar Association, Washington (Dec. 1995)
1995Speaker, conference: “ABA Committee on Corporate Counsel Regional Workshop.” American Bar Association, Minnesota (Nov. 1995)
1995Speaker, conference: Minnesota Association of Litigation Support Managers, Minnesota (Sept. 1995)
1995Speaker, conference: “ABA Annual Meeting.” American Bar Association, Illinois (Aug. 1995)
1995Speaker, conference: “Demonstrative Evidence.” Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, Minnesota (May 1995)
1995Speaker, conference: “1995 MLAA Vendor Conference.” Minnesota Legal Administrators Association, Minnesota (Apr. 1995)
1995Speaker, conference: “Northwest Computer Show & Conference.” Minnesota (Feb. 1995)
1995Speaker, conference: “Mid-Winter Meeting of the Committee on Corporate Counsel of the ABA Section of Litigation.” American Bar Association, Florida (Feb. 1995)
1995Speaker, video program: “Winning Your Case With Computers (Without a Degree in Computer Science)” American Bar Association (Jan 1995)
1994Speaker, conference: “Minnesota Association of Litigation Support Managers Annual Convention.” Minnesota (1994)
1994Speaker, conference: “Civil Trial Practice Institute.” Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, Minnesota (1994)
1994Speaker, conference: “Crime ’94 – Sex, Lies and Videotape.” Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, Minnesota (1994)
1994Speaker, conference: Minnesota State Bar Association Civil Litigation Section (1994)
1994Speaker, conference: “Litigation for Legal Assistants II.” Minnesota State Bar Association, Minnesota (1994)
1994Planning committee, conference: “ABA National Institute: How to Win Your Case with Computers.” American Bar Association, Arizona (Feb. 1994)
1994Speaker, conference: “Winning Cases with Computer and CD-ROM Technology.” Law Partner Seminars, Minnesota (1994)


YearPublished Item
2020Author, “Remote Managed Review in a Post-COVID World.” Evolve the Law (May 22, 2020)
2020Author, Weekly Trends Reports. ACEDS (Dec. 2018 to Feb. 2020)
2019Co-author, "Part 3: Data, Data Everywhere – Advanced Strategies for Analyzing Mobile Data." ACEDS (Jul. 30, 2019)
2019Author, "Exterro and Duke/EDRM Judges Survey 2019 Series: Part 3, The Judge’s Role in the E-Discovery Process.” ACEDS (May 7, 2019)
2019Co-author, “Part 2: Is There an App for This? Reviewing and Producing Mobile Data.” ACEDS (Apr. 24, 2019)
2019Author, “Exterro and Duke/EDRM Judges Survey 2019 Series: Part 2, Taking Affirmative Action to Address E-Discovery Problems.” ACEDS (Apr. 16, 2019)
2019Author, “Exterro and Duke/EDRM Judges Survey 2019 Series: Part 1, Failure to Comply with Federal Rules.” ACEDS (Apr. 1, 2019)
2019Co-author, “Hold My Phone: Part 1 – Preservation and Collection of Mobile Device Data.” ACEDS (Mar. 26, 2019)
2018Co-author, "Data validation: A crucial step toward controlling and understanding your data.” Judicature, Vol. 102, No. 3 (Fall/Winter 2018)
2018Co-author, “Why Can’t I Just Review It in Outlook?” Judicature, Vol. 102, No. 1 (Spring 2018)
2017Co-author, "Cluster Clear: Are Clustering Tools the Solution to Tedious Identification and Reduction Processes?” Judicature, Vol. 101, No. 4 (Winter 2017)
2017Author, “What will AI mean for you?” Judicature, Vol. 101, No. 3 (Autumn 2017)
2016Co-author, "Early Case Assessment: Evolving from Tactical to Practical,” Nuix and EDRM (Jan. 2016)
2013Author, “EDRM E-Discovery Budget Calculators: Let’s Begin the Dialogue,” Law Technology News (Dec. 2013)
2013Author, “EDRM Evolution,” Law Technology News (Dec. 2013)
2013Author, “EDRM Transitions to Nonprofit Status,” Law Technology News (Oct. 2013)
2013Co-author, “Trend Spotting: Law Firms Seek to Enhance In-House E-Discovery Capabilities,” E-Discovery Briefs (Oct. 2013)
2013Co-author, “The EDRM Metrics Model From Cubism to Modernism,” Law Technology News (Sep. 2013)
2012Author, “Adapting eDiscovery Software to Achieve Governance Objectives,” ZyLAB (May 2012)
2012Author, “Unified Archive: The Rise of Unified Information Governance,” ZL Technologies (Feb. 2012)
2011Co-author, “Use the scalpel first: EDA makes e-discovery a successful operation,” InsideCounsel (Nov. 2011)
2011Author, “Get your house in order with Early Data Assessment: Part I,” InsideCounsel (Oct. 2011)
2010Co-author, “Climbing Back,” Law Technology News (Aug. 2010)
2010Co-author, “Don’t Box ECA,” Law Technology News (Jun. 2010)
2009Co-Author, “May You Live in Interesting Times, Law Technology News (Oct. 2009)
2009Co-author, “EDD Showcase: Strange Times,” Law Technology News (Aug. 2009)
2009Author, “Bringing e-Discovery in-house: risks and rewards,” ZyLAB (Feb. 2009)
2009Co-author, “The Jobs Project to Develop EDD Staffing,” Law Technology News (Jun. 2009)
2009Co-author, “Survey 2.0,” Law Technology News (Jan. 2009)
2008Co-author, “Time for a Change,” Law Technology News (Sep. 2008)
2008Co-author, “Mining for Gold,” Law Technology News (Oct. 2008)
2008Author, “On E-Discovery Metrics: What They Are, Why They Matter, and What You Can Do With Them,” Electronic Discovery & Records Management Quarterly, West Legalworks (Spring 2008)
2007Quarterly, West Legalworks (Winter 2007)
2007Co-author, “EDD Showcase: EDD Survey – The Fifth Report,” Electronic Discovery & Records Management Quarterly, West Legalworks (Fall 2007)
2007Co-author, “Socha, Gelbmann Admit Even EDD Experts Make Mistakes,” Law Technology News (Oct. 2007)
2007Co-author, “EDD Showcase: EDD Hits $2 Billion,” Law Technology News (Aug. 2007)
2007Author, “From Concert Promoter to Director of Electronic Discovery: An Interviewwith Patrick Oot,” Electronic Discovery & Records Management Quarterly, West Legalworks (Summer 2007)
2006Author, “e-Discovery Tools and Choices,” LJN’s Legal Tech Newsletter, Vol. 24, No. 9 (Dec. 2006)
2006Author, “Browsing the Growing Market of EDD Tools,” Legal Tech Newsletter (Dec. 14, 2006)
2006Author, “Smoothing the E-Discovery Path,” Inside Litigation, Areté Legal Publishing, LLC (Winter 2006)
2006Co-author, “EDD Showcase: The Fourth Report,” Law Technology News (Aug. 2006)
2006Author, “Break Out the EDD Road Map,” Law Technogoloy News (Jan. 2006)
2005Co-author, “EDD Survey: The Third Report,” Law Technology News (Aug. 2005)
2005Author, “No Need for Intimidation,” Law Technology News (Jan. 2005)
2004Author, “Developments in Electronic Discovery,” Committee on Corporate Counsel Newsletter, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Winter 2004)
2004Co-author, “Eight Simple Steps for Doing Effective E-Discovery,” Discovery Resources (Nov. 2004)
2004Co-author, “EDD Showcase: It’s an Explosion,” Law Technology News (Aug. 2004)
2004Co-author, “Muddling Through the Metadata Morass,” Discovery Resources (May 2004)
2004Author, “Weil Delivers EDD,” Small Firm Business (Spring 2004)
2004Co-author, “Litigation Document Processing: The Future is Now,” Digital Discovery & e-Evidence, Pike & Fischer, Inc., Vol. 4, No. 2 (Jan. 2004)
2003Author, “Electronic Discovery by the Book,” Digital Discovery and e-Evidence, Pike & Fischer, Inc., Vol. 3, No. 11 (Nov. 2003)
2003Author, “Do-It-Yourself Electronic Discovery Tools,” Digital Discovery and e-Evidence, Pike & Fischer, Inc., Vol. 3, No. 11 (Sep. 2003)
2003Co-author, “Survey Indicates Short-Term Growth Likely for Electronic Data Discovery Market, Followed by Consolidation,” Digital Discovery and e-Evidence, Pike & Fischer, Inc., Vol. 3, No. 5 (May 2003)
2003Author, “Mastering the Use of E-Discovery Special Masters,” Digital Discovery and e-Evidence, Pike & Fischer, Inc., Vol. 3, No. 3 (Mar. 2003)
2003Author, “The New Wave of Concept Search Tools,” LJN’s Legal Tech Newsletter, Vol XX, No. 12 (Mar. 2003)
2002Author, “The Electronic Discovery Landscape in 2002 and Beyond,” Digital Discovery and e-Evidence Newsletter, Pike & Fischer, Inc., Vol. 2, No. 11 (Dec. 2002)
2002Author, “How We Chose a Vendor,” e-Filing Report, Glasser LegalWorks, Vol. 2, No. 11 (Nov. 2002)
2002Author, “Discovering and Using Electronic Evidence,” LJN’s Legal Tech Newsletter, Vol XX, No. 2 (May 2002)
2002Co-author, “Determining your Return on Investment (ROI) for Automating Litigation Support,” PAGEviews (Feb. 2002)
2001Author, “Chapter 4: Discovering and Using Electronic Evidence,” 2001 Expert Witness Update, Aspen Law & Business (2001)
2001Author, “Discovering and Using Electronic Evidence,” ABA Committee on Corporate Counsel Newsletter, No. 64 (Jun. 2001)
2000Author, “Managing Discovery Documents Through Imaging,” Uniscribe Discovery Edge (Summer, 2000)
1999Author, “Using New Technologies to Present Cases,” Minnesota Lawyer Law Tech News (Sept. 1, 1999)
1999Author, “Electronic Discovery – Or, the Byte that Bit,” (Apr. 1, 1999)
1999Author, “Once You Have the Evidence – Then What?,” IP Litigator, Aspen Law & Business, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Mar./Apr. 1999)
1999Author, “Technology in Practice: Electronic Discovery (or the Byte That Bit),” Minnesota Lawyer (Mar. 29, 1999)
1999Co-author, “Ensnared in the Web: Beware of Internet Booby Traps and E-Mail Time Bombs,” Ventures Magazine (Mar. 1999)
1996Co-author, “Costs and Benefits of Image Retrieval: A Case Study,” The Hennepin Lawyer, Vol. 65, No. 3 (Jan. – Feb. 1996)
1995Author, “Using Electronic Communications to Manage Litigation: One Litigator’s Perspective,” The Revolutionizing Litigation Management Report, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Jun. 1995)
1995Author, “Electronic Connectivity Through E-Mail,” ABA Committee on Corporate Counsel Newsletter, No. 42 (May 1995)
1993Co-author, “Preemption of Product Liability Claims: Medical Devices and Drugs,” presented at Seventh Annual Toxic Tort Institute, Emerging Areas of Litigation, New York, NY and Los Angeles, CA (1993)
1993Co-author, “Images in Litigation,” presented at ABA National Institute on “Hot Topics in Corporate Litigation,” Chicago, IL and San Diego, CA (1993)
1993Co-author, “Advances in Imaging for Litigators,” presented at ABA Techshow93, Chicago, IL (1993)
1993Co-author, “Excerpts and Updates: Images in Litigation Support,” Litigation Support Systems: An Attorney’s Guide, 2nd Ed. (1993)
1992Author, “Using BRS/Search to Respond to Multiple Series of Document Requests,” presented at ABA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (1992)
1991Co-author, “Summary Jury Trials: Strategy and Tactics,” Journal of Products Liability (1991)
1988Co-author, “Alternative Theories of Liability: Is Market Share Alive or Dead?,” Journal of Products Liability (1988)